Joanne Holland Confidential Counselling Service

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a counselling session last?
A counselling session is 1hour, although the initial appointment may run over a little.

How often should I attend counselling?
I strongly recommended that you attend on a weekly basis, at least to start with and avoid cancelling appointments unless absolutely necessary. There could be times when you would rather avoid coming to you appointment, it is best to come along and to tell me how you are feeling as this is often rich information for you to work with, leading to an even deeper understanding of yourself.

How long will I have to come for?
This varies from person to person and we will talk about this during your first session. We will regularly check that the therapy is working for you.

What can I expect from my first session?
There is nothing to be afraid of. I am just another human being the same as yourself, who understands life's difficulties, I am not perfect and do not have all of lifes answers, but do however have the ability to help you on your way to finding your own.

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